Things you should know before dating a Transsexual Woman

Dating a transgender woman for first time is not an easy but few people among us thinks that picking a transsexual woman is easy and they can do this without wasting much time and an extra effort. But this is not quite correct. Yes, it’s easy to find a transsexual woman for a transsexual date but it’s really hard to keep that transsexual woman with you for long. If you want to fulfill all your sexual fantasies, than it’s quite mandatory for you to keep your transsexual partner with you for long. She must feel comfortable and remain happy in or between your dating till she is on a date with you. It’s your responsibility to make things happy and comfortable so that you both can enjoy together and spend some quality time. If it’s you first time that you are dating a transsexual woman than you must know what to do and what things you must avoid when you are dating a transsexual woman. If you are bit tensed, confused or nervous as it’s your first transsexual date, don’t worry, here are the tips for you –

Select a place wisely for date – You are dating online for times and now it’s time to meet each other personally. It’s better to select a date place first and make sure that the place is not far from you or even from you dating partner. You must also take care that the place is quite transsexual friendly and you won’t get embarrassed or facing any trouble when you are with your trans dating partner. In short, you must be very wise while selecting a place for date.

Never share any topic that is related to cis women – as you know that she is a transsexual woman and not a real genetic woman. It’s obvious that any topic related to real women will hurt her or make her feel uncomfortable. So, it’s best to not share any topic that will ruin your date night.

Never use the terms ‘Shemale’, ‘Ladyboy’, ‘Tranny’ – you are dating a transsexual woman and basically it’s your choice. Never take her as granted and behave inappropriate with her. Especially, she is your girlfriend and a dating partner. It’s your responsibility to make her comfortable. You have to respect her and never call her Shemale, ladyboy or tranny. T-women having some self-respect won’t even tolerate it and this might bring a negative impact in your date.

If you are not comfortable with her in public, you are not good in bed too – this is basically your personal feeling and comfort level. She is your ts date or girl friend and it’s not a shame to introduce her with your friends or relatives.

Don’t ask for sex favors – You are dating with a transsexual woman and it doesn’t mean that she is always available for sex and don’t think that you can fulfill your sexual desires and treat her as a sex object. Transsexual women too have their own emotions and feelings. So, respect your partners feelings and respect her emotions too.